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Elfaria Chapter 39

039. VS Goblin King

(He's faster than I thought!?)

 When I first felt it, I immediately avoided swinging down the sword by using [Physical Enhancement]. Immediately after.


「[Wind Falcon]!」

 Jean and I tapped into folia at about the same time, but obviously with limited effect.

(Not that it wasn't effective, but...)

 Maybe he's more resistant to folia than I thought. Besides.


 The attack with the great sword swinging is too terrifying!

 A slash from the huge body that you look up at ― if you were to take a hit like that, your body would be cut in half with a single blow.

 Fortunately, this one is slower, so it's not hard to avoid if you're careful, but I'm holding a sword, not a spear, so it takes courage to get close.

(If Osada-kun were here, I could switch using a spear.)

 The difference in performance as a weapon is really starting to show. Either way,.


 Even if I saw an opening and slash at the Goblin kin, my attack is easily repelled by the rock shield because of the distance between me and him.

 With a spear, I could land an attack a little faster ― or if I had a hammer, I could damage his arm with the impact even if it was blocked by the shield. ...... If I am unable to attack,...

「Don't be afraid! Just focus on the attack!」

 Jean, who was at a disadvantage but would not slow down her attack, shouted loudly.

「He is a formidable foe, but he is not an opponent we can't beat! We have twice as many hands as he does! Use that advantage!」

 I immediately understood what she meant and took a deep breath to calm down.

(That's right! I had been fighting alone for so long that I had forgotten the concept of "cooperation"!!)

 Besides, there's no need for me to kill this.


 I give priority to positioning myself behind him and in his blind spot and boldly launch my attack.

 However, I focused on "dispersing his consciousness" rather than the idea of "inflicting damage" as I did before. As a result


 He is at the mercy of my movements, and Jean takes advantage of the opportunity to launch a powerful attack.

 On the other hand, if he turns his attention to her, I mercilessly slash at his back and the backs of his legs.

(We can do it!)

 We continued to attack without letting out guard down, but...


 He finally broke through the limit of his patience, suddenly throwing down his sword and shield and rushing at me.


 ――When I thought that, I received a tremendous shock and was flying through the air. And then


 I almost lost consciousness for a moment as my body hit the ground.

(T-The impact was like being hit by a dump truck or something. Damn!)

 Though he had been fighting in a straightforward style ― Perhaps Rodl's own awareness and experience had made him "Frontal Attack" for better or worse, but after he was cornered, it seems his instincts as the Goblin King began to show.


 As I turned my head to look at the Goblin King while enduring the intense pain, I saw that he had leaped upon Jean and had used his monstrous strength to strip her of her equipment and clothing.

 The way he was doing it was completely that of a beast.

 Jean seems to be trying desperately to resist, but her movements are completely blocked by the difference in their physiques. Furthermore,.


 Seeing his too-big and too-ugly exposed penis, Jean swallows a scream.

 No matter how strong she is, if she is forced into a situation like this as a woman, her "instincts" will probably tell her that she is in danger. However,

「......Don't fuck with meeeeeee!」

 I applied [Healing] to the wound, thinking that it was useless anyway, and healed it to the point where I could barely move, and I slashed deeply into Rodl's back as he turned his attention to Jean.

 As expected, he could not endure this and began to scream and flail about.

(Gaaaah! Fuuuuuuuuck!!)

 The flames of anger and hatred welled up at my inability to take advantage of a thousand opportunities.

 Until now, I had no experience in fighting a prolonged battle against a single enemy that lasted longer than five minutes.

 In my daily life, I had never needed to use a powerful blow, in other words, a "special move," because most small fry could be killed with two or three blows, which is backfired.

 This resulted in an even more out-of-control Rodl, who was already out of control, and things got out of hand.

(Damn! If I don't do this, Jean will ......!)

 When I looked at her, she had regained her physical freedom, but she was still cowering on the ground in a half-naked state, perhaps because she was so shocked.

「[Energy Booooooooolt]!」

 I fired a series of bullets without regard to their power, forcing Rodl's consciousness toward me. As expected, he stared at me with eyes filled with hatred and rushed toward me, swinging his arms and other parts around wildly.

 If I took it seriously, I would die ― I calmly watched his movements until I was on the edge of my limit and avoided it by flying to the side just in time. And then

「Enough of this shit, go fuck yourseeeeeelllfffffff!!!」

 If you can't kill him with one blow, you just smash the sword into him until you're able to kill him――I unleashed all the power I had at the moment and just concentrated on "killing" the enemy in front of me.

(Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!)

 Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash ―― severing his tree-thick left arm and stabbing through his right eye, and still, Rodl doesn't stop.

 I, on the other hand, had consumed so much force in such a short time that my momentum was clearly waning as time went on.


 It was a complete mistake in pacing.

 This was also a side effect of my inexperience in long-term battles.

 I had thought I had become stronger――but now I realized how foolish I had been in my hubris. It was frustrating to be reminded of this.


「.......I'm not going to give up. I won't give uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!!」

 I shouted out from the depths of my stomach and tried to stand up to it with what little force I had left, but...


 Suddenly, Rodl's head was severed and it flew through the air.

 Then, it fell with a thud in the immediate vicinity and soon disappeared in a black mist.

 The end was too ridiculous.

 What had happened? I was stunned, unable to comprehend.

「Yuuto, you should remember one thing. If you lose your "cool" under any circumstances, you will always lose.」

 It was General Jean, hiding her breasts with her left hand and holding a sword in her right, who said to me.

「Thanks to you, I was saved. I was able to cut off the gaping head because the Goblin King's consciousness was completely directed to you. You have my thanks」

 I opened my mouth like an idiot for a while when she said it with a smile on her face.

「...... Ceh. In the end, you got all the good stuff after all.」

 I said, and Jean laughed and apologized.

 The victims were also rescued safely, as the general's men soon arrived to support them.

 The ending was anything but exciting.

(I still have a long way to go.)

 There were many things to reflect on in the battle, but for the time being, I decided to accept the fact that I was able to survive.


 At the same time.

 At a certain place in Hanaria, there was a being who was watching all the conflicts inside the ruins in the forest area of Forres.

「After all, a piece of trash is just a piece of trash ......」

 Although the ending was half-expected, it was not interesting.

「Especially, the participation of the female generals was unnecessary. The best way would have been to have a "one-on-one battle with the boy," but ― it doesn't work out that way. The reality is」

 The woman in the red hooded robe tucked her crystal ball into her pocket and sighed.

「The only thing we've learned is that "if you are a 'suitable' person, the results of our experiments will show up"」

 A distant - and too little-realistic result.

「In the end, I had to release the crystal stone I received from that man――」

 When that person entrusted it to me, he said, "You can use it however you like," so that man would not say anything about the process or the result.

 In fact, it is quite possible that that man even expected this to happen. However, it is not clear whether he was expecting it or not.

「......That boy. If I remember correctly he was called Yuuto or something like that.」

 For some reason, the boy of the human race that He cares about.

 Even taking into account that he is from another world, he is a "too normal" idiot ......But,

「From what I've seen, he's grown up a bit.」

 It has been less than two months since he came to this world.

 Even though his original level was 1, his level reached 15 in a short period of time――Nay. Probably, based on the experience of this battle, there is a good chance that his level has gone up by one or two.

「Although, the higher the level goes, the more it is about time for the growth rate to begin to be affected.」

 Either way, it would be best not to take any more unnecessary steps.

「Now. As long as this one has been crushed, the situation will temporarily calm down. And I'm sure "he" will start to get serious about it, too―」

 I guess that is also "as expected".

 How is the current situation reflected in that man's eyes... The woman in the red robe let out another sigh.

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